Visual Geometry

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Who we are

Who we are

Our mission

A nonprofit organization, Mathisi Initiative was founded in 2019 by volunteers sharing a passion for fostering a love of learning and exploring today’s fast evolving and fascinating

world. Its mission is to provide pre-high school students (12- to 14/15 -year old learners) with local and affordable access to programs of internationally recognized excellence and relevance, to foster independent and curious learners, critical and creative thinkers, and problem-solving young adults engaged in the world.

Η προσέγγισή μας

Our approach consists in promoting and facilitating the introduction of outstanding educational programs developed by recognized educators and institutions, and ensure

access to these programs to school-age learners regardless of their academic levels and economic means Our core team of volunteers constantly researches remarkable programs, develop collaborations with originators and educators, and facilitate their adaptation, implementation and deployment.

Οι δράσεις μας

Οι δράσεις μας

School year 2021/2022

Panhellenic Robotics Competition for Gymnasio Students, Racecar Challenge

Together with American College of Greece – Pierce and Junior Achievement Greece, Mathisi announces the Panhellenic Robotics Competition…

School year 2021/2022

Panhellenic Robotics Competition for Gymnasio Students, Racecar Challenge

Together with American College of GreecePierce  and Junior Achievement Greece, Mathisi announces the Panhellenic Robotics Competition Racecar Challenge for Gymnasio students in Greece.

The competition, which will be hosted by American College of Greece – Pierce, is based on the middle-school race car program miniRACECAR designed and offered by the Beaver Works Summer Institute at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

To participate in the competition, students must have first successfully completed BWSI’s miniRacecar course, which they can attend at no charge during the 2021/2022 school year.

The competition’s objective is to provide Gymnasio students with an opportunity to work in teams, to acquire knowledge in a project-based manner, to strengthen their skills in programming, robotics and technology, regardless of prior experience or knowledge, and to develop skills such as problem solving, creativity and teamwork.

Participating teams will be asked to program a robotic car which will move autonomously on a racetrack.

The team that will be distinguished in the Greek competition will have the opportunity to represent Greece in the international competition that will be held at the Beaver Works Summer Institute – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the USA. The selected team that will participate in the international competition will have the additional opportunity to watch the program of the last week of BWSI on its premises, before the final competition.

More information will be provided in the fall. In the meantime, for any questions or clarifications, you can contact us or Pierce at [email protected] or visit Pierce’s designated page.

School year 2020/2021

Autonomous Racecar Program in collaboration with the Beaver Works Summer Institute

Together with the American College of Greece – Pierce and the Moraitis School…

School year 2020/2021

Autonomous Racecar Program in collaboration with the Beaver Works Summer Institute

Together with the American College of GreecePierce and the Moraitis School, Mathisi introduced the middle-school race car program miniRACECAR designed and offered by the Beaver Works Summer Institute from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory. The pilot program aims to help students develop their knowledge and skills in programming, robotics and technology, linking theory to practice. Students from Gymnasium and 1st Lyceum receive instructions in the following subjects:

  Programming (Python)

  Computer Vision (OpenCV)

  Robotics (Racecar)

This year, both ACG – Pierce and the Moraitis School will have the opportunity to have one team virtually participate in BWSI’s final project and competition week ending August 1, 2021. It will be the first time that Greek students will participate in that competition.

School year 2020/2021

Modules and content development

Drawing on its resources and experience, and in collaboration with local educators, Mathisi is developing a subset of the modules it had…

School year 2020/2021

Modules and content development

Drawing on its resources and experience, and in collaboration with local educators, Mathisi is developing a subset of the modules it had offered in its STEM camp with the support of MIT JWEL.

Educational focus

  STEM Core




  Linked to national curriculum

Real world applications (within the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals).

Content design

  Each module follows a sequence of sessions which reflects the project-based and cross-disciplinary approach we have adopted throughout our work.
  Each session is comprised of a combination of  i) “hard knowledge” corresponding to specific content of the national curriculum, ii)  hands-on activities where that knowledge is used or experimented, and iii) an assessment tool for the student and teacher to assess whether the knowledge of that session has been understood in the manner that allows the student to use it going forward.


Beyond Mathisi’s prototyping, the modules development includes teacher play-testing and in-class testing in collaboration with teachers and educators.

Summer 2019

Mathisi STEM Camp@Moraitis School

An English-language day-camp developed in collaboration with the MIT Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab  and taught by MIT…

Summer 2019 Mathisi STEM Camp@Moraitis School

An English-language day-camp developed in collaboration with the MIT Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab (J-WEL) and taught by MIT student educators and Greek teachers.


The Mathisi STEM Camp took place in the summer 2019 and was hosted by the Moraitis School. During the camp, students were taught in “the MIT way”, with hands-on, immersive learning. They had the opportunity to advance their knowledge in the STEM areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics and then use this knowledge to develop solutions to real problems. Students worked together to design and build innovative projects that they then shared with their communities and families. Both MIT educators and Greek educators facilitated the camp, using resources and materials developed by MIT and adapted for the STEM Camp in Greece. Members of Mathisi Initiative received support from J-WEL to design the camp and select local educators, who assisted in the delivery of the program. The Camp ran for two weeks, in the English language, and was attended by 60 students from 20 different schools.


The Camp’s first week was dedicated to learning a combination of the six science-based modules described in the boxes below and three skill-development activities (Scratch programming, electronics construction models and various tool training). The Camp’s second week was dedicated to prototyping and building a project on the basis of the knowledge and skills acquired or developed the first week. The last day of the camp, the students presented their project to their peers and family.

Internet of Things για υγιή φυτά

Students learned about plant processes and used sensors to measure and evaluate plant health and growth and get to use a block-basedRead more programing language to remotely monitor and optimize their condition, fostering their understanding of the capabilities of Internet of Things, plant health and different forms of energy.

Ανεμογεννήτριες και Design Thinking

This activity introduced students to the topic of harnessing the power of the wind for energy and investigates common problemsRead more associated with wind turbines, using basic concepts of physics and electrical engineering. In the module, students were acquainted to the methodology of Design Thinking, used the process to design a wind turbine around the needs of a community, and got to build a model in teams.

Εξερευνώντας το υδατικό βιοσύστημα

Students learned foundational biology techniques to explore local Aquatic Microbiome in a hands-on, experimental, andRead more creative manner. Through the use of microscopes, they identified different organisms present in the water and observe their development, investigating the connection between the organisms present in water and local ecology/life systems.

Υδροκίνηση: Ώθηση σκαφών με ηλεκτροεγκεφαλογράφημα

This activity introduced students to the topic of harnessing the power of the wind for energy and investigates common problemsRead more associated with wind turbines, using basic concepts of physics and electrical engineering. In the module, students were acquainted to the methodology of Design Thinking, used the process to design a wind turbine around the needs of a community, and got to build a model in teams.

Η τροφή ως καύσιμο

In this module, students got acquainted with concepts of chemistry and biology in order to explore the issue of foodRead more consumption in our everyday life. They investigated some essential questions about energy and food and experiment using calorie-measuring devices and physical activity.

Όξινση των Ωκεανών

The module focused on acidity and its effect on the ocean ecosystem,  introducing the concept of acidity with solutions, ionsRead more , and concentrations. Students were given different householdchemicals and drinks and were asked to make hypotheses as to the acidity of each solution before testing them and assess the consequences of the changing pH level on chemical and biological processes taking place in the ocean, such as carbon storage and calcification.

The Mathisi STEM Camp took place in the summer 2019 and was hosted by the Moraitis School. During the camp, students were taught in “the MIT way”, with hands-on, immersive learning. They had the opportunity to advance their knowledge in the STEM areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics and then use this knowledge to develop solutions to real problems. Students worked together to design and build innovative projects that they then shared with their communities and families. Both MIT educators and Greek educators facilitated the camp, using resources and materials developed by MIT and adapted for the STEM Camp in Greece. Members of Mathisi Initiative received support from J-WEL to design the camp and select local educators, who assisted in the delivery of the program. The Camp ran for two weeks, in the English language, and was attended by 60 students from 20 different schools.

The Camp’s first week was dedicated to learning a combination of the six science-based modules described in the boxes below and three skill-development activities (Scratch programming, electronics construction models and various tool training).

The Camp’s second week was dedicated to prototyping and building a project on the basis of the knowledge and skills acquired or developed the first week. The last day of the camp, the students presented their project to their peers and family.

We are now actively working in collaboration with BWSI and ACG – Pierce, to allow any school in Greece interested in doing so to participate in the miniRACECAR program with the potential to take part in BWSI’s final project and competition week in the summer of 2022. Student teams which will register for the miniRACECAR program, successfully complete it, and wish to aim for a participation in BWSI’s final competition week in 2022 will first participate in a national competition to be held in June, with the winning team representing Greece.

More information will be posted as soon as available.

Our collaborations

Our collaborations


The Beaver Works Summer Institute  is part of Beaver Works, a joint venture between MIT Lincoln Laboratory and the MIT School of Engineering that is envisioned as an incubator for research and innovation BWSI offers rigorous, world-class STEM programs for middle and high school students from across the United States. An increasing number of these programs include a fully virtual online preparation, open to students internationally, which is attended by participating schools during the school year starting February 1. BWSI started in 2016, with a RACECAR course, where teams of students programmed small robotic cars to autonomously navigate a racetrack. Every year, more project-based courses and more students are learning at BWSI. In 2019, BWSI created the miniRACECAR course, which was piloted for use with middle school students. In 2020 BWSI expanded again using a virtual program and now the miniRACECAR includes a simulation environment and additional lab modules. The BWSI program has expanded to more than ten courses and estimated three hundred students for summer 2021. The goal of BWSI is to improve engineering education world-wide by providing unparalleled technical content and support for free to participating non-profit institutions, including high schools and universities.

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The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a private university in the United States that is consistently ranked among the top universities in that country and, indeed, world-wide. The MIT Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab works with member organizations to promote excellence and transformation. It engages educators, technologists, policymakers, societal leaders, employers, and employees through online and in-person collaborations, workshops, research, and information-sharing events.

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American College of Greece - Pierce

Offering high quality, personalized secondary (Gymnasium – Lyceum; International Baccalaureate Diploma Program) education, Pierce is one of three divisions of The American College of Greece, the oldest and largest American-based, comprehensive educational institution in Europe. Through Pierce, Deree (undergraduate and graduate education) and Alba (graduate business education), ACG serves over 5,000 students and has over 54,000 alumni worldwide. Pierce traces its historical roots to 1875, and has evolved into a coeducational school of over 1,400, sharing a main campus with Deree in Aghia Paraskevi, an Athens suburb. The mission of Pierce is to provide a holistic education to form intellectually independent, morally responsible, socially engaged global citizens. “Non ministrari sed ministrare” (“Not to be served but to serve”) defines its institutional character and its aspiration for its students. One of the hallmarks of a Pierce education is the attention paid to the total personal development of students. The Pierce environment is sustained by caring educators, uncommonly skilled at detecting each student’s uniqueness, envisioning the possibilities of what she or he can become. In a word, Pierce encourages students to grow, not only in high school but throughout their lifetimes.

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The Moraitis School

The Moraitis School is a private educational organization since 1936 that accepts children from Nursery through to the completion of education in Senior High School and provides them with a friendly environment of acceptance and care, extending the feeling of family security to the classrooms. Combining its educational tradition with constantly searching for innovative systems, it offers a high level of education and training in Greek and IB Education. The goal of the Moraitis School is the development of responsible, morally whole and active young people, who will be prepared to live in a world of tomorrow, very different from that of their student years, both in the Greek and in the international environment.

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Reach out to us

Reach out to us

Whether you are a school teacher, a school administrator, a university professor or have a similar interest in education, and you are interested in our work, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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